First time mom alert... just wanted to get that out there. Sorry for the novel.

LO, 13 days old today, is driving me nuts trying to figure out his feeding needs. He is starting to come down from a little issue with Jaundice (highest was 19.6, they treat at 21) which causes lethargy. Lethargy = not feeding as well = slower come-down from Jaundice. Vicious cycle! Most of his day is spent sleeping, crying, or eating (at this point so little 'active time' is pretty normal for a NB, right?).
Our issues arise when I try to wake him for feeds every 2-3 hours as instructed. Here's what usually happens:

7:30am- my alarm goes off that he's due for a feed. He rarely wakes up on his own so I have to make sure I don't let it go too long. Slowly unswaddle and let him wake up slowly skin to skin
7:35am- grunting >fussing/crying usually starts, put him to breast. Cue 10-15 minutes of rooting, latching with no suck, latching and pulling off immediately, him screaming in frustration, pushing off me with his legs and arms, us changing positions multiple times, wiping off milk covered bellies and face, etc.
7:50-8:15- finally finds his sweet spot, latches and feeds (having to be constantly woken up) for about 15 mins.
8:15-8:20- burp, soothe
8:20-8:35- other breast, usually latches much quicker on this side.
8:40-8:55- Daddy burps, I pump a completion bottle (as instructed by lactation consultant to encourage my supply), he drinks an additional .5oz or so, change, soothe, swaddle, back to sleep.

That's around 1.5 hours every feeding... and I'm supposed to be doing that every 2 hours?! At this point it's been closer to every 3 because we both need a rest in between. Every 3 hours is only 8 feeds a day which is the minimum recommended so now I'm worried he's not getting enough? (ETA: my example times don't make sense.. exhausted mommy math)

Does anyone have experience with a latch-hesitant baby? Or even a Jaundiced one? Please tell me this gets better...