Ha ha ha. What a surprise, another sleep post from ellewoods! So, I am pretty sure O baby is in the 4 month sleep regression. Before, I wasn't too worried about it because her sleep has always sucked, so what could she regress to? She has never slept longer than 4 hours (and that has only happened like 5 times) in her tiny lifespan and we are used to waking up every 2-3 hours anyways. Oh, but wait. Now she is waking up pretty much every 45 min-1 hour. Cannot be comforted by anything but the boob. We try to rock her and soothe her other ways, but ultimately after doing this for around 30 minutes and her crying almost the entire time OR getting comforted and then crying once we put her back into the crib, the boob is the easiest solution. She still wakes up every hour, but at least the boob only takes a couple minutes. I am sure we are creating all sorts of problems by nursing to sleep every time this happens, but did anyone else just nurse to get baby back to sleep during this horrible regression? Last night we tried the crib, our bed, the swing.....she just wouldn't sleep longer than 1 hour. And she ALWAYS gives me at least 1.5 hours of nap for the first nap, not today! Girlfriend woke up after 13 minutes! STOP. I was able to get her back for another 30. Whoa. Anyway, are we creating big time issues nursing back to sleep at night?