One of my 5 yo twins is an early waker. They have always both been on the early waking side (5:30 a.m.) but now that they're in separate rooms, I know that it is just one who's the early waker...and he does everything in his power to wake up brother, too. He goes through periods of waking at 4:45 or so for a week or two, and generally is up at 5. I am starting to lose it after 5.5 years of this. Today it was 3:55 a.m. Sometimes he naps, sometimes he doesn't. Bedtime is around 7:30. Please don't suggest putting him to bed later. If only that worked! No, he will be up even earlier if he stays up me, I know and have tried. Cutting the nap doesn't work either, so I try to let him be on that. Generally if he naps he won't be up as early, he might even "make it" to 5:45!
So talk to me about melatonin. Our pediatrician, who is excellent (he's actually the head of pediatrics for our region), gave his blessing to try it at the 5 year well check, but we haven't yet. Have you tried it? Did it help? Where do you get it from? I have tried it for myself as an adult and it doesn't work for me, but obviously everything is different for everyone.