We met with a seasoned LC today who gave LO a thorough evaluation. She believes that B has a type 3 or type 4 tongue tie. The pediatrician thought his tongue looked normal, but the LC stated that often times pediatricians only recognize types 1 or 2 because they are more obvious.

B is 4 weeks old and I am still experiencing significant pain and nipple trauma when he nurses. He also does not transfer much which results in frustration on both of our parts. Yesterday and today, he started a mini nursing strike. It is really breaking my heart.

So now I have to talk our pedi into referring us to an ENT. We would have to see if B's frenulum will need to be clipped. After all he has been through, I am reluctant to put him through another painful procedure just because I want to be able to breastfeed. Honestly though, it will devastate me if we have to quit.

He is gaining weight and has plenty of poopy/pee diapers so I could continue on breastfeeding the way we have. The LC said she has never seen someone with such tenacity because the wounds on my nipples are pretty bad and I keep pushing through the pain. However, it is wearing on me emotionally and that could end up negatively affecting my relationship with both B and my husband.

What has your experience with tongue ties been? Did your LO have his/her frenulum clipped?

I just want to do what is best for LO. I know that I could always pump and substitute with formula but I love the bonding aspect of BFing.

Why can't anything ever be easy?