I don't know if it's just my child or if this is normal, but we got her progress report on Friday and she has 5 stars in everything except for one category. The teacher wrote a note stating that she interrupts teachers during group time and gets distracted easily when in group play.

It's funny because while I was sitting in the doctors office during her 5 year check up, I read something in Parenting that 5-6 year olds have trouble with that, but it still doesn't make me feel better. Her teachers have said that she is ready for kindergarten though and if our county wasn't so backwards, she could have tested in early, but they don't allow it anymore.

We've told her COUNTLESS number of times to not interrupt adults when they are talking and it does't seem to be sticking. Should we start corner/time out time if it doesn't stick? I just feel like it's not a punishable offense, but now I am rethinking it. Anyone else have pre-k children?