Our oldest daughter (late September birthday) will be entering kindergarten at public school this fall. Anyone else have children entering K this year?
We have kindergarten screening in May. Any idea what to expect?
Our oldest daughter (late September birthday) will be entering kindergarten at public school this fall. Anyone else have children entering K this year?
We have kindergarten screening in May. Any idea what to expect?
nectarine / 2180 posts
E (early November birthday) will be entering K in September and has her assessment in June. No clue what to expect. I am excited for her to start this whole new adventure but also a little nervous.
apricot / 390 posts
Mom of a 2022 Kindergartener here!
The only thing that surprised me about the assessment is that we were asked to wait in a different space than where they were performing the assessment. Other than that, the assessment was easy. My daughter thought it was super fun, and asked to go back the next day.
ETA: in my school the assessment was set up as different stations, so the kids met every teacher and weren't at one activity for too long.
persimmon / 1064 posts
I’ll have a 2023 Kindergartener (my third in school ).
In our town they only do an assessment if they are a “young five” (turn 5 between March 1-Sept 15). The assessment is to see if they should go to half day K1 or full day K2. (Here they go K1, K2, 1st grade, 2nd grade, etc) My older two went to K1…we didn’t even have them assessed—I love the half day program! But DS3 is a January bday so he will go straight to K2 and it’s killing me a little that he’ll be gone all day
grapefruit / 4045 posts
Hi! My second and last baby will be in kindergarten in the fall. She is a May baby, so no age issue. I do not know if there is an assessment. My first baby is a late August girl. I don't even recall an assessment then for her, except that it was discussed at a routine parent teacher conference that she was fine to proceed to kindergarten despite being youngest in the class.
persimmon / 1381 posts
My middle son is starting k in the fall also! I know there's an assessment before school begins, as well as a tour of the school for them, but I really don't know what to expect as my oldest son started in the fall of 2020 as the assessments, meet and greet with teachers, etc were cancelled due to covid. My understanding is that the assessments are pretty basic though and more just to get a feel for where what classroom they should be placed in, etc.
kiwi / 583 posts
We are still one more year out from kindergarten, but I'm curious now. All of you with assessments, is this in addition to the 3 year old assessment, or did you guys not do that one in your state? We had to do an assessment right when they turned 3 so that they could see if they could get kids on track before the start kindergarten.
persimmon / 1381 posts
@Lahela017: I don't remember a formal assessment. My kids went through pre-school and there were certainly standardized checklists that were always presented to us when we went in for parent-teacher conferences and we were aware if they were on track for kindergarten or not, but I don't remember a specific 3 year assessment. Are the 3 year assessments conducted by the pre-school teachers?
cherry / 160 posts
I have a 2022 kindergartener. Interestingly, we didn't have any assessments at all, either at 3 or the spring/summer before K. Instead the first week of school was "kindergarten camp" where all the kids rotated through all the teachers and then were assigned their permanent classrooms a week into the year.
kiwi / 583 posts
@LadyDi: no, the assessment is separate from preschool. It's conducted by the schools districts and all 3 year olds are required to go, regardless of if/where they go to preschool. (We're in Minnesota)
cherry / 174 posts
@Lahela017: Our screening is just for children entering kindergarten in the fall. We don’t have a 3 year old assessment here.
kiwi / 549 posts
My daughter will be starting public kindergarten in August. There is no assessment or anything. They throw you right in! Are the people who have assessments in public school or private ? I’ve never heard of it in public.
kiwi / 583 posts
@JJ2626: same as OP, it's for public school.
It's so interesting how different it is based on state.
kiwi / 549 posts
@greencraftycello: @Lahela017: so interesting! So what do they assess? Are there different levels of classes? Or do they give you things to work on to be ready for kinder? We are in a major west coast city and they make it very clear that every kid gets the same curriculum, and that there is no real difference between schools or classrooms. Clearly that’s not totally true as we toured multiple schools and saw differences but that’s the company line.
kiwi / 583 posts
@JJ2626: so ours is at age 3, because then the hope is that with early intervention, they can get everyone on track to start at the same level in kindergarten. If your child is found to be behind in any of the areas they look at, they qualify for free services though the school district like free preschool, or having a speech therapist or occupational therapist meet with them during preschool.
Most of the kids I know who get services are because of speech, (but I know one girl in my daughter's preschool class that gets a therapist that comes in and helps her with hand strength.) They also look at things like gross motor, check hearing and eye sight, and asked my daughter about shapes, colors, her name, etc (I think this was mostly to see if she could understand and follow directions and also checking language skills).
nectarine / 2180 posts
We are in NJ and going to public school, the assessment is mostly to help balance classes and get a sense of the kids before K.
Are you guys all day or half day K?
persimmon / 1381 posts
This is such a timely post, we got an email yesterday from our principal about upcoming K events. One in the spring, orientation and assessments in August.
@JJ2626: Our assessment is for a public school. Like someone else said, I believe it's for class balance and just an understanding of where all the kids are. Not to weed anyone out or anything like that.
@snarkybiochemist: Our K is half day and he'll go to a public school! I feel like half day is getting more and more rare.
nectarine / 2180 posts
@LadyDi: we are full day but since both my husband and I work she would need to be in before and after school programs anyway.
persimmon / 1381 posts
@snarkybiochemist: Gotcha. I am trying to get my son into after care for a day or two a week. I stay home but I am going back to school and could use the extra time but of course I was too late for the sign up so now I'm on a wait list.
nectarine / 2180 posts
@LadyDi: Our sign up is 5/15 I am just hopeful we get a spot. good luck getting something for your kiddo
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