My little guy is 5mo and has been EBF his entire life. I'm (unexpectedly) 7 weeks pregnant and my milk is drying up. I've done my best to rest, drink tons of water, and eat an extremely clean diet, and it seems that nothing will keep my supply.

LO is hungry allllll.the.time lately and I know it's because he's just not getting enough through nursing. We've introduced some solids lately (and thankfully he loves them and was ready for them!) but I know that is definitely not enough to replace all the milk he is no longer getting. He's now started screaming and crying after he drains the boobs -- it's heartbreaking!

Last week, we bought some formula. This was hard enough for me to do because when he was first born, breastfeeding was really hard and I wanted to give up SO badly but we stuck with it and I grew to love it. Additionally, I'll just admit, it's hard to not feel a little mom guilt because I allowed myself to get pregnant so soon after his birth and now I feel like he won't be getting the best food option because of me. (And I realize that formula is a completely healthy and great option!! I'm so glad it exists for cases like ours or others where breastfeeding is just not possible or a reality -- it's just hard to know that we were doing so great and now we're slowly having to wean a little earlier than I'd hoped.)

He won't touch the formula. He shrieks and cries when we try to give it to him. We've tried spoon feeding some of it into his mouth with solids to get him used to the taste -- he caught on to that trick quick and now eyes all solids suspiciously. We've tried having my husband feed him while I'm out of sight.

I just don't know what to do! I had another mini-breakdown today while trying to give him a bottle of formula. He was sobbing, I was crying -- ugh. My DH, bless his heart, just doesn't get the mommy emotions tied up with all of this. He says we just have to keep trying and he'll get used to it...and I'm sure he will, but right now I feel like I'm starving my child!!

Does anyone have any experiences of transitioning from ebf to formula? Did your LO have a hard time with it? What worked? Any and all advice welcome I just need some encouragement.