Yesterday Mr. Lime and I met with our midwife for the New OB appointment. We asked her about prenatals- OTC vs Rx. Her response about companies decreasing Vitamin A sent us Googling after the visit for more info.

We have decided to go with Rx because of the amount of Vitamin A in OTC prenatals like One A Day and Rainbow Lights. Apparently, too much Vitamin A can cause birth defects and taking supplements with more than 3000 IU of it can do harm because you get Vitamin A through food too. Well the One A Day prenatal I had been taking and the Rainbow Light I planned to switch to both contain 4000 IU.

Each of the five Rx samples she sent us home with do not contain Vitamin A at all, which is preferred according to Google. Well, one has it as Beta Carotene, which the research we found is the best way to get it as a supplement. The amount in that particular prenatal is 2700 IU.

Just passing the info on in case you want to check with your medical provider.