As many of you know, we've been through a LOT the last two years on our journey to become parents. 2 miscarriages, severe fetal hydrocephalus that necessitated a late-term termination, and now preterm labor that landed us in the nicu (but with a thankfully very healthy baby). Even with all the testing we've done, they've never found a cause for any of it, though it seems like a hell of a coincidence to say it's not all related somehow.

My dad was thought to have fibromyalgia, but in the last few weeks he was able to see a specialist (they actually traveled from TN to TX just to see this doctor), and they now think he (and my sister too) has EDS, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. If he does, there's a 50% chance that I do as well. It can cause miscarriages and preterm labor for sure, and it *might* cause hydrocephalus (I'm trying to research it, but it's hard on my phone while holding a sweet baby girl).

I don't know if there's anything they can do about it, to make pregnancy safer in the future, so this does reinforce our decision to only have one. But it's also a relief to just have a possible answer. It's just been so bizarre, having so much go wrong, and there never being a reason. Maybe it really wasn't just the world's worst luck. For some reason it makes me a little sad, maybe just because thinking about it is bringing back all those memories. But it also makes me extra grateful for the healthy baby that we have, knowing that she was at risk too.

And for those who are wondering, she's doing great. She's in a regular crib, no isolette, and they took out her feeding tube in her nose today. As long as she keeps doing so well, we should be home soon!