My daughter is basically over purees, even the really chunky ones. She likes to feed herself, and will pretty emphatically tell me "NO!" with a hard head shake and a face scrunch when I try to put a spoon in her face. She is a really good eater, and even though she doesn't have teeth I've learned to trust her because if something doesn't feel right in her mouth or it feels like she has too much in there, she will just spit it out. So I'm not as worried about choking as a I used to be, I just really don't know what some easy foods are that I can have on hand for her to feed herself.

I saw some mini pancakes and mini waffles at the grocery and I wondered about that for breakfast stuff. I've honestly gotten to where I definitely prefer her to eat organic, but I want her to be a kid too, just like I was, and I will not recoil at the thought of her eating normal kid foods.

I also saw some chicken nuggets and considered that, but they were HORRIBLE in nutrition. Like way worse than I could have ever been prepared for. But maybe Trader Joe's has some options that are more healthy? I only looked at publix.

She will only eat purees out the squeeze pack and she won't even let me feed it to her. She sucks it out. So it's her hands or nothing. The problem is she usually sprays it everywhere:(

I just need easy stuff to cut up so she can eat. Right now I feel like she eats way too many Ella's Kitchen cookies, Yogis, and Puffs. I want her to eat more REAL food, but she goes to bed at 7 and DH and I eat dinner afterwards so it's not like she can just eat what we eat. We also rarely have leftovers (we are pigs I guess?).

Any suggestions would be appreciated!!