Hellobee Boards


What gift are you going to have break/disappear this year?

  1. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    I actually bought the annoying train that is super loud and very hard to keep on the tracks - but I have every intention of packing that up with the tree this weekend and only bringing it out for Christmas.

  2. mrsbookworm

    pear / 1823 posts

    Someone bought my kids Don’t Step in It. You make poop piles out of play-doh and then wear a blindfold and try not to step in them. Wtf? Blindfolded kids dragging brown play-doh all over my house on their feet?!? No thanks

  3. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @mrsbookworm: definitely not!

  4. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    The only gifts that just won’t get much use are very nice sweater and pants set that my God mom gifted him. I tried to drum up excitement calling them Daniel Tiger, but he has no place to where those clothes. He’s another child that refuses to wear jeans! His dad gave him a giant blow up fish thing that took over a hour to assemble and it doesn’t move correctly with the remote control anyway. That’s already stored in the closet.


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