Yesterday, I noticed DS poking at his noise machine (which is an alarm clock/radio with several white noise functions). I re-directed him and thought nothing of it.

I woke up while it was still dark to a blaring classic rock song that jolted me out of bed - "HERE I AM. ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICAAAAAAAAAANE." I immediately thought it was my husband's alarm, and I poked and grumbled at him to turn it off already. He said "Uhh, its 2 a.m. Not my alarm. Where is that music coming from?" We both realized it was coming from DS's room and ran in there panicked that someone was in there, he got out of bed, I dunno.

We get in there and DS is sitting straight up in his crib looking completely bewildered. He had set a radio alarm for 2:26 a.m.! ha!! DH and I could barely get him back to sleep because we were laughing so hard.

What was your last parenting funny? I can make this gold if need be