LO seems so grown up to me these days. Potty training has been a big turning point. Seeing her run around without that diaper butt makes her look so old. She is talking a ton now, and she's tall and lost a lot of baby fat. Even little things like getting her the 2-4 year old toothbrush instead of 3-24 months are bittersweet.

The one thing that makes her feel like she's still a baby to me is that she sleeps in her crib. The main reason we have no plans right now to move her to a big bed is that (knock on wood) she has not tried to climb out and she sleeps really well in there, so if it ain't broke. But I will totally admit that I am not in a rush. Tucking her into a crib still feels like I have a baby, not a big girl.

What remnant of babyhood are you holding onto?