I am so exhausted and uncomfortable and just genuinely so excited for this baby, that I can't wait for this csection to come! At the same time, I'm trying (really hard) to cherish it, since this is planned to be our last baby.

With DS1, I was super excited and nervous. So much so that I wasn't too uncomfortable. My emotions and the anticipation were definitely what I remember the most. I took a week off of work before my scheduled csec to get the house ready and basked in becoming a new mommy.

With DS2, I wasn't that uncomfortable either. I had anterior placenta, which somehow buffered a lot of the painful movement and kicks. He was also a lot smaller than DS1, and while I had nausea for the first 32 weeks of that pregnancy, it went away in the last month. I worked up until 4pm the day I had him (at 9:30pm).

This time, with DD, I am so uncomfortable and tired. Partially because I'm not getting younger (I'm AMA now), and partially because I can never rest with 2 little boys running around. I can't breathe. I have trouble sleeping (I have to be propped upright, or else I feel like I'm having a heart attack). I'm just a mess all over the place.

So, how about you? How did you feel in your last month? Was it easy or hard?