For my first LO I ended up exclusively pumping because of poor supply combine with a very fussy eater that never got into the BFing. Now with this second one on the way I am trying to figure out the best pumping schedule when I go back to work after 10 wks. I really want/hope my supply to be better this time around.

I work in a school and we are finalizing next years schedule now, so I want to make sure I have a workable routine.

Here is my plan:

BF in the morning 5:30ish
Pump on the way to school at 6:30
Have my prep either from 8:30-9:30 or 9:30-10:30 and pump then
Pump at Lunch around 11:40
Pump after school at 2:15
Then hopefully BF the rest of the night.

If you had a choice given that schedule which prep period would you want? (I can put in a request, but there are no guarantees)