I need some perspective on what is normal and how others deal with their babies being fussy with bottle feeding.

I'm a FTM and we have a long history of troubled eating, literally from day 1 with LO, including breastfeeding issues, EPing, reflux, MSPI, and several weeks of complete bottle refusal (could only feed her when she was asleep). We dug our way out of the worst times very very very slowly and only in the last month has my 7mo been eating in a way that I think approaches normal. For her that means that either I or my husband can feed her, we can feed her whenever she is hungry (used to be only right before a nap when she was tired), and we can feed her in any room of the house (used to be only in our bedroom). We do still need complete still/quiet to feed her and there can't be anyone else in the room when she is eating or she gets too distracted, and her bottle has to be heated to 98-101 degrees (seriously she won't take it at 97 or 102, she's crazy lol).

This has been working for us and she's been doing GREAT eating four 8-oz bottles per day (which is so amazing because for the longest time she was only eating 20-24 oz/day and was totally inconsistent about how much she would eat when). The last few days though she has been even more distracted that usual while eating. She has been playing with her feet a ton, trying to grab our faces, trying to look around, etc. I think this is pretty normal for 7 months though?

Today was her worst eating day in a while. She was fussy and was starting/stopping eating a lot for all of her bottles, didn't finish her second bottle, and only took half of her last bottle.

I'm trying to be chill about it because it seems like I know others say their babies got very distracted and sometimes fussier eating around this age and I know the worst thing we can ever do with her is try to force the issue because that makes her absolutely refuse to eat. But of course this is all triggering my fears of her relapsing into total food refusal again.

So tell me. What do you do when your baby is fussy at the bottle? Starting/stopping a lot? Getting distracted by their feet and the walls and god knows what else? Do you stop and offer again later (before their next normal meal time)? Do you just let it go and assume they'll be hungry enough to eat better at the next meal? I need some tips on how people with "normal" eating babies deal with this because I think I am probably blowing it out of proportion due to our history and my fears.