Came across this old Pregnant Chicken article tonight, definitely found myself chuckling along in agreement.

For me:

-I will never give in to food demands. My child will eat when I make him/her. I would never feed my toddler frozen chicken nuggets, I want to broaden his/her palate early.

Yeah...for dinner tonight Evan ate frozen chicken nuggets (dinosaur shaped), a handful of gold fish, strawberry applesauce (Mott's, because it was on sale), and a, wheat/dairy, and fruit! Not too bad!

-I will never share a bed with my child.

Yeah, unless my child is a ridiculously needy sleeper who will just.not.sleep while alone. In which case, I will definitely snuggle with my baby in bed for 6 months. Awesome to get my bed back, but I love it when he sleeps with us now....I feel badly when he's sick, but I love that he still needs Mama cuddles all night.

Those were my two big "When I Have Kids I Will Never". What about you?