Let's just get it all out of our system here and hope for a better night!

DD is 4 mo's this Sat, and she was doing 5-6 hrs finally for a good week or so... And then last night fell back to 2-3 hrs!! I don't even know if this is her 4 mo regression or not, since there's not much to regress from really!

She also fights being put down from like 7-8 and end up nursing to sleep later on... So my nights are shot b/c I come home, nurse her, TRY to put her down, then end up nursing and I end up passing out too...

Plus her naps are bad too. We hold her for 10 min and half the time she wakes up after being put down. Max she'll sleep is another 20-30 min. So I get nothing done either on the weekends b/c that tiny window of time a few times is not enough!

Ok end rant...