This our dilemma. We have a couple of days to think about it. DH is more sure about what we should do and I am on the fence. Both apartments are in our desired neighborhood. New place is a 3-block walk from current place, so this wouldn't affect our commutes.

Current place:
-1.5 bedroom/no closets in either. Our room is big. LO's room is small, currently we have her toddler bed, a small loveseat, a dresser, a small bookshelf. The largest bed that can fit in it is a twin bed. Would be tiny for 2 kids.
-About 650 sq. ft.
-Low ceilings
-Well-maintained building
-Apartment has not been renovated so you can definitely see its age
-Barely gets sunlight (seriously, we tried to have a plant in here and it died in 3 days). It's like we're living in a basement apartment but we're on the 2nd floor.
-Has a laundry room
-3 closets
-Very affordable (We are paying well below market rate and it's a rent stabilized building. Seriously, this place is cheap, but you kind of get what you pay for, right?)
-Now that our childcare is cheaper we could pay down our credit cards and get back to saving more moolah.

Possible new place:
-900/950 sq. ft.
-2 brs equal size/ 1 bedroom has a closet
-Every common area room is bigger (for instance we can sit on the toilet without the door hitting our legs) LOs stuff could all fit in her room. We could actually set up a play area in her room instead of having our living room be cramped (it currently acts as a living room/dining room/play area with her desk and toys). Also, should we stay here for a few years, 2 children can comfortably share.
-Normal sized stove (all of my cookie sheets can fit in the oven!)
-High ceilings
-Lots of natural light
-Nice hardwood floors
-No laundry room (4 laundromats close by)
-Building as not well maintained but not bad/horrible
-Bigger building (I'm not used to living in a building this big, though it's not at all a high-rise)
-Even though apartment is older than our current one, it looks more updated/fresher
-$350 more

P.S. We hate our current apartment but moved here because we loved the neighborhood. DH didn't want to stay past a year here but we've been here for 2. This place is small dungeon but obviously has some redeeming qualities. I love that we have a laundry room but DH does our laundry and he doesn't care whether he goes out or stays in the building. Although new place is more money it's still about $200-500 below market rate for our area.

DH is ready to go. I love the new apartment but not sure we should move. Why should we pay more money when we are trying to buckle down and save? But then again, why stay in a place we hate? We can cut in other areas to make this work (cable!) DH also gets a raise in a few weeks and our childcare is significantly cheaper this year. So moving to this new apartment would not be a hardship at all. I just don't know if it's smart to make an emotional move.

I'd post pics of both but after seeing posts of other people's homes on here I'd be way too embarrassed!