My 12-month old is potentially having some food reactions and I'm trying to figure out the next step. We already know he is intolerant to cow's milk protein.
We've introduced some new foods lately - coconut milk yogurt, a few strawberries, peanut butter, and eggs - and have done so in a planned order, but are still a little confused by his symptoms. He's also been drinking almond milk regularly for 3 weeks now.
He's had a diaper rash that has varied in severity for the last 2-3 weeks (which is why we introduce more "new" things because the diaper rash gets better and then bad again...) We had his ped check it 2 days ago, but he said nothing was wrong and it's just his skin that's "sensitive" or something. I don't trust that opinion at this point. DS also has been scratching his scalp a lot in the last few days. Yesterday, after dinner we noticed he had 2 small patches of red spots (maybe hives? but didn't look as bad?) that went away eventually.
We are planning on seeking out an allergist. Our ped has said they can't truly test for things this young, but I feel like others have done so.
Has anyone had a similar experience? Did allergy testing help?