I’ve sort of posted about this before but I’m going to rip my hair out. Bullets:
- 3 months old and has been doing this from almost day 1
- super slow eater. Every. Single. Feed. Takes an hour to finish the amount of formula he SHOULD be taking in for his weight, but even at the hour mark many times he’s only had 2-3oz. Based on weight he should be having 6-7oz per feed.
- Zantac since about 7 weeks and it has helped tremendously with reflux discomfort (he used to scream bloody murder after 2oz)
- HE IS HAPPY which is extremely cute and frustrating. He never seems super hungry and even when he does he’ll fairly quickly drink 2-3oz and then be smiley and play with bottle nipple. He gags a lot when we try to put the nipple back in after 2-3oz.
- he makes plenty of wet and dirty diapers
- his weight gain is great. He was born a month early at 6lb12oz (big!) and now he’s 14lb+ and he’s in 69th percentile despite being a month behind gestationally.
- we’ve tried different nipples, different bottles, switched to Alimentum per Pediatrician, tried every 3hrs and every 4hrs since he didn’t seem hungry. Is it possible he’s not hungry every 4hrs either and we need to try longer????
- best feed is at night when he’s tired. Or if we get off of EASY for a day and he’s eating right before sleep. Drowsy eating is his best eating.
- Ped said it was weird but not super concerned since diapers and weight and disposition are all fine. She said to limit feeds to 30 mins and don’t feed again for minimum 3hrs because maybe now he’s just used to having a full hour so he’s taking a full hour (sometimes more!)
Some theories:
- he just isn’t hungry. Which I don’t get. He last ate at 1am last night. Slept till 6:30am. Tried to feed at 7 - he seems not hungry and only ate one ounce!
- reflux related? Even though he’s not feeling reflux pain maybe there’s some other discomfort? But he’s smiling and playful the whole time!
- something with his mouth/tongue since he’s always playing with it and gagging often - but she checked for tongue tie and said he’s fine.
- he just doesn’t have much appetite? But how is it possible that he can do a day like 2oz every 4 hours all day????
My logical side says - he’s happy, he’s gaining, he’s peeing and pooping....stop worrying. I’m not extremely worried - I’m actually more frustrated because feedings are pretty stressful.
Anyone have this experience? Was it fine? Did it work itself out? Was there an underlying issue? Halllp.