At nearly 7 months, I am surprised that we are still nursing & that it is working so well for us. I struggled with low supply from the beginning & we have always had to supplement with formula. I figured we'd be done by 6 months but LO seems to enjoy nursing more & more every day so I figure we'll keep it up as long as it's working for us.

In August, though, DH & I are going to a wedding in CA & we are going to add a few days on & make a trip of it. I am really looking forward to it! LO will stay with grandma who she adores. I figured that if I am still nursing then, I will pump while we are away, mainly to keep my supply up.

I'm worried though that 5 days of exclusive bottle feeding will be the death knoll for nursing. Does anyone have experience with this? I will say I think it's a little different for us because LO loves a bottle too, and has gone on nursing strikes in the past, so even though she loves to nurse lately it's not like she is a boob monster the way some babies are.