My son is 5 months old and still spits up large amounts. As in large puddles both soon after eating and randomly even hours later. I nurse and supplement and it doesn't seem to be a difference which milk he drinks. I pace bottle feeding, sit him up and try and have tried having him stay still for a good amount of time before playing.

I have brought it up at all his well-baby visits and the peds have all said that as long as he is a "happy spitter" and is gaining weight, I shouldn't be concerned. I guess DH was also a big spitter when he was an infant too. So inconvenient, but fine, I can deal with it.

Well, I just starting bringing J to daycare this week and the teacher (who has been there for 12 years) is really concerned about the amount of spit up. Especially being well past three months. The principal of the school even asked me to take him to the pediatrician's office to check him out again and bring a note. Cue me getting all worried all over again since I wasn't there to see if it was his norm or not. (Add in that he's barely napping and crying a lot. Again, not out of character, and probably from the transition, but still… not what I need to hear)

Anyway, I wanted to see if any of you ladies have had something similar, and have any advice before our dr.'s visit tmw. Did medication work? Did changing your or your LOs diet help? Did your kid just outgrow it?