I pump every 2-2.5 hours here at work, and our pumping room is upstairs from my desk, so I have to make a trek to get there. There is a woman that I pass who is OBNOXIOUS.. Ive heard her say this before, but Im shocked Ive heard it more than once now. The woman that said it didnt know I was pumping, she just knows the lactation room is up there, and she was talking to another woman and said, "Ugh. Breastfeeding is for poor people. Rich people can afford to buy formula." Um.... I was floored. Listen, I dont care if you want to formula feed your kid for whatever reason (Im not a lactivist. Sick of BFing? I get it! Want husband to share responsibility? Sure!), but that kind of outlook astounds me.

Shes also in her 40s and looooves to tell everyone how she will never get married and she still goes on bar crawls every weekend. I shouldnt be shocked

Anyone else heard any comments?

I also had someone tell me "your daughter has colic because you BF her. Just give her formula with rice cereal in it and she will be fine." Sigh