I'm trying not to be disappointed but it's hard not to be.

LO hadn't had a bottle since Friday, and has gained 4oz in 6 days, which the LC was a little concerned by. We went to the LC today he transferred 4.7oz, he needs 24-25oz a day to gain appropriately so that was a great feeding. But, as the day wears on, LO seems to struggle a little more with transferring. It's like he doesn't quite have to energy to get totally full, which results in him waking more often, only to nurse a little and zonk back out.

So for now, we're back to doing bottles for the night feedings so that he gets what he needs to grow and we'll focus on making those day feedings as productive as possible. It's just a short-term plan, we go back Monday for another look. I'm keeping a log on this breastfeeding app I found, so I can really show her his behavior and we can troubleshoot from there if we still need to. I think he just got worn out by too much too soon. It's been 2 weeks since we first met with the LC and I think we've made great progress but there's still more work to do.