So I'm at work and forgot the motor to my pump at home. I had done this once before and had a complete melt down at work (lack of sleep + super busy day at work + manager not being supportive and letting me have an uninterrupted break to pump + no freezer stash = emotional breakdown). But LO slept GREAT last night (fell asleep at 5:30pm, woke up at 3am to feed, then right back to sleep until I woke him up to eat before leaving) and I'm in a much better place, emotionally, than that day! Thankfully, I was able to have someone bring me the pump that day, but there's no way for me to get the pump today.

So, I'm going to have to go 8 hours without it. Well, I guess it'll technically be 9 hours since feeding him before leaving until feeding him when I get back home. I have a freezer stash, so I'm not worried about that, but how will going 8 hours affect my supply? Should I worry about getting an infection? I can try to hand express as much as possible. The longest I've gone without pumping or feeding has been 5 hours.