I'm an EBF mama and I sometimes feel like the only person on HelloBee not pumping!
I'm a SAHM so at this stage I don't really have a need to pump (and LO has never tried a bottle anyway) but are there any other EBF'ers not pumping out there?
I'm an EBF mama and I sometimes feel like the only person on HelloBee not pumping!
I'm a SAHM so at this stage I don't really have a need to pump (and LO has never tried a bottle anyway) but are there any other EBF'ers not pumping out there?
coconut / 8305 posts
I loath pumping so RARELY do... I think I've pumped maybe 60 ounces in the last 9 months.
Sadly, we have a trip planned in April, right before P's first bday, where we'll be gone for 2 days so I'll have to get to pumping here soon so she'll have milk while we're gone AND I'll have to pump while we're gone. Blegh.
pineapple / 12234 posts
I haven't in a few months...I probably should for an emergency stash but she is always with me! I never leave her with anyone.
cherry / 205 posts
I'm also a SAHM that's EBF my 7 month old. I was renting a pump that i occasionally used up until DD refused to drink from a bottle, at around 2 months.
apricot / 343 posts
I am still on maternity leave and DD is 4 months old. I have never ever pumped with her. With DS I pumped a few times. A breast pump was the biggest waste of money for me! To me there is no point pumping, if I miss a feed I am engorged and I simply love breastfeeding.
pomegranate / 3980 posts
I only pumped for a little while to make her baby cereal and what not.
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
I pumped for 2 months with dd.
will probably pump a year with ds
nectarine / 2163 posts
I haaaaaate pumping, so I only do it when I'm super uncomfortable in the mornings, or if he takes a bottle while I'm out. Other than that, it's all straight from the source!
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
I pump maybe twice a week, when he's asleep and probably won't be waking up soon and I'm engorged. I have maybe like 48oz frozen. I mostly use it so I'll have a bottle when we're on the road and I can't BF. My ILs have a couple bags at their house as well.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
I have a small freezer stash, but haven't pumped in over a month!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
I pumped once per day for the first month or so because I wanted an emergency stash, and I was overproducing so much and first thing in the morning I was super engorged. I pump occasionally now if he doesn't nurse, or my supply is dipping.
cantaloupe / 6751 posts
I pumped for the first six months - first to increase my supply, then b/c I went back to work. I quit working to be a SAHM when LO was six months old and haven't pumped since!
clementine / 916 posts
Pumping is such a pain.. but it came in handy when I got really sick and my supply dipped really low for a few days.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
I pumped to a 40 oz stash, but haven't since before Christmas probably! Only pump by hand when I do once a week or so, and currently struggling with ebf'ing, lol. I don't go back to work until October and don't have longterm ebf goals, so pumping not necessary at all, though funny I thought it would be earlier after C was born!
GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts
I can't remember the last time I broke out my pump. After I discovered milkies I was able to get about 60oz or so in the freezer 'just in case'. She almost never takes a bottle and in a couple of months won't need them anyway (she's 10 months old now). Good thing I bought that $400 double electric pums :S
pomelo / 5093 posts
I pumped for a few months to build up a beautiful 150oz stash. Literally she never drank a drop of it. I just rarely left her for more than a few hours. She wouldn't take a bottle. The first time I had to leave her all day she was 11 months and didn't need it. I donated the whole stash and probably won't bother later.
squash / 13764 posts
I'm a sahm and hardly ever pump. I really hate it and have no real reasoned do it, so I don't
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