Hellobee Boards


August POAS!!

  1. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    @pui: Yay!! I'm so glad that your cycle from hell has ended!!

  2. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @LindsayInNY: frustrating!! I don't temp so I wouldn't even have a clue if that happened to me. Maybe your temps were off due to vacay, FX

    @thismustbetheplace: woo!!!

  3. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @runnerd: That's what I was thinking... Vacation was the very end of AF and week following. It was mid-80s all week with no AC, just a fan. I figured it would be a little off from that. Usually the temps are a bit more reliable than OPKs (depending on the length of surge) but I don't know in this case...

  4. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @pui: I'm glad your cycle ended! I hope this is your month!

  5. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    Cycles Trying: This will be Cycle 5
    Current Cycle Day: CD 1
    Estimated Ovulation Date: I'm guessing August 12, CD 15
    POAS Date: August 27, the weekend before school starts- eep
    BD Timing: Hoping to EOD before and after O
    Anything new or extra this cycle? According to my husband "you just need to relax" *rolls eyes* lol. Work is gearing back up in August, so I hope to not be so stressed.
    Link to your chart (if you have one and want to share)

    And bonus question: What’s your favorite midnight snack? Cheese and crackers for a salty snack and ice cream for a sweet snack!

  6. Claire.Peonies

    apricot / 402 posts

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Cycles Trying: This is going on Cycle 6
    Current CD: 12
    Estimated Date of Ovulation: August 5th
    POAS Date: August 17th or August 18th
    BD Timing: EOD/ED during ovulation
    Anything New: Too busy this month to worry about it as much.
    Although the soft cup sounds scary/interesting

    Favorite Midnight Snack: Trail Mix or String Cheese. Although ,I have been known to down a whole avocado on my own at midnight.

  7. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    Cycles Trying: 3rd actively trying

    Current Cycle Day: 11

    Estimated Ovulation Date: I haven't O'd properly the past 6 cycles, so who knows. This is my first cycle on Clomid, so hopefully it works it's magic and I O this week on CD14

    POAS Date: August 15th, although my last few cycles have been shorter than usual, so AF might arrive before then

    BD Timing: As close to every day as we can manage

    Anything new or extra this cycle? First cycle on Clomid (50mg) and FertilAidCM, as well as B-Complex to see if that helps lengthen my cycle, since the last two were only 25 days. I'm also doing strip OPKs twice a day (and digitals in the afternoon) and not using the CBEF monitor this month, since it hasn't worked properly the past 3 cycles I've used it. Continuing to take FertilAid for women, Folic Acid, Fish Oil, using pre-seed, and BD'ing a ton. Also on my second month of acupuncture.

    Link to your chart: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/MrsSprite

    What’s your favourite midnight snack? crackers and brie

  8. mrsog

    apricot / 388 posts

    I have been lurking for a few months and thought it was time to join. So hello everyone!

    Cycles Trying: 2nd
    Current Cycle Day: CD7
    Estimated Ovulation Date: should be around Aug 6-9 ish
    POAS Date: AF is due Aug 22nd but I will probably test on August 19th (which should be about 10-11 dpo). That is our 2nd anniversary and I can't think of a better present than a BFP!
    BD Timing: EOD/ED during O
    Anything new or extra this cycle? I started temping really just to see what it is my body is doing. I've learned so much about myself since starting ttc. It's pretty cool.

    And bonus question: What’s your favourite midnight snack?
    popcorn with hot sauce!

  9. LiliBillie

    cherry / 105 posts

    Cycles Trying: First sort of.
    Current Cycle Day: CD 27
    Estimated Ovulation Date: No Idea. App says CD 14 another says CD 16.
    POAS Date: August 3rd probably.
    BD Timing: July 21th- SLIP UP! We weren't trying. Just had one too many.
    Anything new or extra this cycle?
    Planning on trying in November. Just had a slip up this month. Also quit BD this month so it's a big mystery. I hope to know within the end of the week...

  10. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    love seeing all the new poas-ers for my first real month on one of these threads! here's to hoping for lots of bfps this month!

  11. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    I'm another first-timer on this board!

    Cycles Trying: 1st
    Current Cycle Day: CD17
    Estimated Ovulation Date: I haven't charted this month, but I'm assuming around July 25/26
    POAS Date: August 9th
    BD Timing: Every other day around my potential o-date, although I was out of town for a few days without DH, so hopefully I caught the right days!

    What’s your favourite midnight snack? Nib licorice!

  12. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    I'm not officially adding myself yet, still holding out for either AF or a BFP. AF is due Wednesday (the 31st). So I'll have to wait until then to join here! But I am reading and staying caught up

  13. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    Cycles Trying: This is the 2nd, although the 1st was fairly (umm.. obviously) a bust.

    Current Cycle Day: 13

    Estimated Ovulation Date: No clue! (Say in high, concerned voice.) I used OPKs last month and had two positives on CD9 and CD10. But I haven't gotten a positive this month!

    ETA: Cheers to peeing on OPK sticks in your office bathroom! I just finally got a positive. Whew.

    POAS Date: August 12, per Fertility Friend.

    BD Timing: Every day this weekend thanks to some "brown chicken brown cow" encouragement from my Hello Bee friends. But otherwise no consistent BDing. I told DH that if I'm not pregnant by October as a result of our lax BDing, he will be a BDing slave.

    Anything new or extra this cycle? No, just OPKs two-three times a day as of yesterday morning.

    Link to your chart: No chart. I tried to used a BBT but quit after two days. My heart starts racing the minute my alarm goes off. I don't even know how I could get a resting temperature. I'd have to have a half a bottle of wine before bed to get anything close.

    What’s your favourite midnight snack? Mini drumsticks.

  14. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @mrsmcd: we're poas date twins! (too weird?) fingers crossed for you.

  15. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @mfa_lady: Haha. Not weird at all. Its totally cool to be gross twins with someone! My fingers are cross for both of us!

  16. sweetkeight

    cherry / 202 posts

    Cycles Trying: I'll say 5 - but this is only my second cycle charting.
    Current Cycle Day: 7
    Estimated Ovulation Date: Aug 6
    POAS Date: August 17 or 18?
    BD Timing: EOD
    Anything new or extra this cycle? Adding twice as much vitex per OB.
    Link to your chart (if you have one and want to share)

    And bonus question: What’s your favourite midnight snack?
    Cereal with coconut milk. Yum!

  17. sweetkeight

    cherry / 202 posts

    FX to everyone - and thanks for linking to your charts. I'm a closet stalker of charts (mental image for you: me, in the closet, stalking charts on three different monitors. I'm not creepy, I promise!), so this thread is really making my day!

  18. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts



    3rd - LindsayInNY, LiliBillie
    5th - SupernovaJ
    7th - T.H.O.U.
    9th - cookie_dough
    10th - CharityAnne
    12th - nana87, mfa_lady, littlek, MrsMcD
    14th - fotolori1
    15th - Sprite, PrincessBaby, Pui
    17th - sera_87, jhd, Claire.Peonies, sweetkeight
    19th - mrsog
    21st - ellewoods84
    24th - runnerd
    27th - Boopers



    LovelyPlum, delight, ABCmrsm, FutureMrsMcK, Dandelion, Adira, cmbknyc, thismustbetheplace

    Luck and baby dust!

  19. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @MrsKoala: @Dandelion: Thanks haha! I started Clomid this cycle, so here's hoping I beat the odds and get KU on my first dose.

  20. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @pui: oh gosh, seeing that POAS date is like seeing a standardized test date. what if i bomb!? lol...

    @BOOPERS that's a lot of BD, i like it. and your husband sounds like mine..."relax". Right...........

  21. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @SupernovaJ: haha, right! One day he tells me to relax and then when I told him about my period this morning he half jokingly says "when are we going to get pregnant homegirl?!"
    Um, you can't tell me to relax then ask me that kind of question! Men! *rolls eyes*

    This cycle would be pretty ideal for us to get pregnant though. I would be due in May so I'd only miss the last month of the school year then have the whole summer off with the baby. If we don't get pregnant before November I think we'll take November and December off so I'm not due at the beginning of the school year. Got to love planning around a teacher's schedule

  22. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    I'll be hanging out even though I won't POAS until Sept. We've been on the sidelines this month (doctor's orders). Looking forward to seeing lots of BFPs in the meantime!

    Cycles trying: 4
    Estimated O date: late August
    Favorite midnight snack: Cookies

  23. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @Boopers: My DH was a teacher for years and I always planned everything around his teaching schedule - baby making included!

  24. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @pui: Thanks for making the list! I'm really hoping that August brings as much as July brought for the Hello Bee girls!!!

  25. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    Good luck ladies!!!!

  26. Penny Lane

    nectarine / 2163 posts

    good luck everyone!! I've been stalking the last few pages of the July thread, and hope this month is even better!! hoping I'll be able to keep up as a cheerleader! ::searches for pom poms::

    ETA: fave midnight snack... peanut butter toast! nom nom

  27. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @Pui: this thread is looking cute! You can count me as part of the cheerleading crew. Go August POASers!

  28. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @pui: awesome list! thanks, lady!!

  29. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @pui: How many mg of clomid are you taking?

  30. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @Dandelion: 50mg. Tomorrow is my last pill!

  31. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @pui: So excited for you! I got DS on 150 mg. Will they up it if it doesn't take this cycle? Mine was upped by 50mg increments until it worked (third cycle!)

  32. Mrs. PBJ

    blogger / cherry / 179 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: yes hopefully it does! I've done a lot of reading on it and it sounds pretty legit so I've got my hopes up! Who knew there was so much freaking work involved in getting pregnant! Too much thinking! Lol

    @cookie_dough: welcome!! Love your username btw...makes me hungry! It looks like you and I are almost cycle twins this month!! We will probably end up POAS on the same day because I have no patience or willpower whatsoever!

  33. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @Pui One of my BFFs got her on her first cycle on Clomid. FX that's your story, too!

  34. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @Dandelion: I'm supposed to see if I O first.

  35. Tundra Daisy

    cherry / 150 posts

    Yay this is my first post on hello bee

    I was lurking on the July thread and learnt so much. I was really hopeful because I had lots of symptoms but af showed today much to my disappointment

    Anyhoo here is my info:

    Cycles Trying: This will be my second
    Current Cycle Day: 0 or 1 (is this right if AF showed today?)
    Estimated Ovulation Date: 14th Aug
    POAS Date: 28th Aug
    BD Timing: Not sure what this means hehe
    Anything new or extra this cycle? Think I might try taking my temp and doing a chart - Might have to read up on this though it's all new to me!
    Fav midnight snack: Rice pudding

    I hope there are lots of BFP this month for everyone!!!

  36. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @Tundra Daisy: welcome!! BD timing means when will you be tryig to do the deed!

  37. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @Tundra Daisy: welcome! good luck!

  38. Tundra Daisy

    cherry / 150 posts

    Thanks guys! And congrats Dandelion - See I have been stalking lol!

  39. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @Tundra Daisy: Haha, thanks!

  40. Tundra Daisy

    cherry / 150 posts

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