I combo feed. LO (5.5 months) always gets a bottle of formula before bed. I have a low supply, so he doesn't get much when he nurses. We also switch between BFing and formula throughout the day and have never had any issues. We started one meal of solids a day about 2 weeks ago.
Tonight, he completely refused the bottle at bedtime. It has been 3 hours since his last feeding. At first, it started kind of like a game. He kept turning his head and laughing. When I put the nipple in his mouth he would just let it fall out. Very frustrating and very odd. My husband tried to feed him and he still refused. So, I decided to see if he would BF for a while and then switch him back to his bottle. He BF'd right away and without issue. However, when I tried to switch him back to the bottle he started crying, hitting me, and pushing the bottle away. I have never seen him react like this.
I allowed him to continue BFing but had to guess when he was finished. He hardcore comfort nurses so he will go on sucking forever. He went down pretty easily so I am hoping he got enough to eat but with my low supply I have a feeling he will be up again soon.
Has anyone else experienced this? I've never seen him react like this to his bottle before.