Ok, so maybe I'm being a bit overly dramatic here but, things aren't working at our current daycare anymore. It was a small staff of two and one of them is no longer there and has been replaced. Since then, the level of care has decreased and I'm not very happy with the situation. I'm a teacher and just need to get through June, so that we can find a more permanent fix for the next school year. I have a past student that graduated a year and a half ago, that will only be taking online classes next term. We are thinking of hiring her for three days a week, but she would have the flexibility to take LO on errands, do homework, not housework during naps, etc. we would pay her what we are paying the current sitter ($280 a month). Big sitter dwellers, please don't hate me because of our affordable daycare

However, I already have money taken out for a dependent care pre-tax account. Can I still use that money? Do I need to pay taxes for her, or can she be a private contractor??? This is the part that confuses and overwhelms me! Does anyone have any experience with something like this?