Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience.
My daughter is 27 months. Still breastfeeding 3-4 times a day. My periods came back in September and have been regular for the past 6 months. We started TTC this cycle. I had some light brown spotting the day AF was due along with cramping. But, here I am 4 days later with no AF and negative pregnancy tests. (Imagine my disappointment)
The only thing I can think of is that my daughter has been skipping naps and going to bed super early (6:00-7:00PM). Because of this, she often wakes around 1:00-3:00AM and wants to nurse).
Would it be abnormal for my period to disappear due to the added night nursing after 6 regular cycles? I asked my doctor but they just said to call in a week if I still haven't started. 🙄
Thanks, ladies!!!