soooo my LO is now 9.5 month. I thought we would make it bfing to a year - she still nurses about 5x most days and the two days a week that I work she nurses 2x a day. Well, I went into work after being off a week and so I pumped for the first time in awhile. I only pump once a day now, and I didn't even get one ounce!

Now I'm kind of freaked out and I know the pump isn't as efficient as the baby and all that stuff, but every time she's fussy, I'm thinking she isn't getting enough. I don't want to switch to formula, now, but I have three weekends coming up where I will be seperated from LO so that definitely won't help my supply either. SIGH. Any advice? She's 50 percentile and she eats three meals of solids per day...