My LO goes to an in-home day care. The woman that runs the daycare takes great pride in cooking healthy food for the kids. Some of the fruits and vegetables come from her own garden. She invested in a VitaMix to make really smooth fresh purees for the babies. Overall I am really happy with the nutritious food.
Now the provider is enrolling in a food subsidy program with the county. In exchange for following the nutrition guidelines set by the country (pretty much USDA recommendations) she gets some money. I'm so bummed about this. I feel like she feeds the kids better than the USDA guidelines and we don't need government input. The recommendations are out of date anyway - like starting solids at 4 months with rice cereal. If we disagree with something apparently we'll get a phone call from the county and we can fight it with a doctor's note. Good times.
I think these programs are common. Is anyone's LO in one? How do you feel about it?