I'm 35 and TTC#1 for two years. We really want two kids. I ovulate like clockwork but 11 day LP.. Labs done 1 year ago were normal, including CD3 FSH 6. Labs didn't include prolactin. Normal HSG. DH's SA 3/2015 showed great numbers but 4% morphology. I was told this was the problem. DH did supplements and avoided his laptop. Recheck 6/2015 showed great numbers and morphology 5%. One negative Femara cycle later, we saw a new RE. He thought the issue was prolactin, started me on cabergoline, and checked labs. My prolactin was 25 (little high), TSH 2.7 (started synthroid), NK cells very high (started prednisone after ovulation), FSH 6 on CD11 during a Femara cycle, and low AMH 0.2. He told me to start melatonin, vitamin D, and DHEA and recheck the AMH. I asked if we should go straight to IVF, and he said no, we should
Monitor next cycle. DH and I were planning on trying a couple cycles with the cabergoline, then IUI until the AMH came back.

The office just called, and said vitamin d was low normal and AMH was 0.27. She clearly didn't know what she was talking about and gave conflicting info. She said he recommended IUI or IVF. I asked about giving the cabergoline time to work, and she said there was no note about that and "you don't have time." I expect AF over the weekend, and scheduled monitoring ultrasound for Monday, a week from today.

I really don't think I have DOR. FSH is great on CD3 and CD11 after Femara. I'm generally healthy and take care of myself. Most of my female relatives have babies into their late 30s.
I really think it's just the prolactin and autoimmune issues, which we just started treating. How urgent is this? Should we do IUI, IVF, or give the meds a little time to work? I'm a mess. Thanks for any advice or positive stories.