Breastfeeding is causing me to get depressed. I have written a few entries on this board already (thank you lemondrop for always commenting.) as i sit here after having my third breakdown since my daughters birth 9 days ago.... I reaaaaally want to just say thats it im done... but then i think about all the moms that do breastfeed and lets be honest the $300.00 i just spent on a breastpump... and i want to keep going. but it hasnt been easy at all. since day one.
they took her away to the nicu and i wasnt able to do skin to skin, later that day when she was brought back to me she did not latch well and the nurse got me pumping and supplementing with formula. a lactation consultant came to see me the day we were released and gave me a nipple shield which she latched on to... GREAT... since then its been a battle. rarely she feeds and ends up falling asleep an hour later just fine to feed again in an hour or two... but mostly she will cluster feed... i spend up to 3 hours with her on the couch switching breast on and off and on and off... getting NO sleep.. but as long as she is on my breast and sucking its okay. however.. when that happens most of the times those 3 hours end up ending with her yelling at the top of her lungs... and me yelling out at my husband to give her a bottle of formula following with me breaking down. i mean full breaking down. crying, panicking, having thoughts like.. im a failure, what am i doing wrong, i cant do anything right, im a bad parent, what do i need to do... and the list goes on.
i know getting like this does NOT help my milk supply but im just on the edge and NEED to breakdown. i feel so alone. i dont know what to do. my husband gets frustrated i dont think he understands but then ends up listening to me but i know he just doesnt get it, ive had my mom drive to my house during one of my breakdowns to calm me down... but i dont want
to keep worrying her ... i dont know what to do.

a few days ago my daughter had a high level of jaundice the doctor gave me some advice and asked us to have her blood retested yesterday we were then told her jaundice level went down so feeding must be going well.. if so, why does it end up like this????