My plan has always been to make it to one year, and at almost 7 months we're still going strong. Then I was planning on pumping maybe once a day for another year. I just wanted to wean Olive off the breast before she got too old and it was too difficult to wean, and I want her to be as attached to mr. bee as she is to me (she doesn't take bottles from him).

But now I'm not sure what my plan is.... maybe olive will just decide to self-wean at some point. She is a little nursing monster and still hates the bottle even though she gets 3-4 every day. So if it's hard to wean her at the one year mark, I think I might just keep going.

Did anyone go well beyond one year? Was it your original intention to go well beyond a year, or breastfeeding was going well so you just decided to continue?