So we started solids a few weeks ago and introduced a zoli straw cup at the same time. She immediately LOVED it. She thought it was the bestest toy ever an liked shaking it around and chewing on the straw and every now and then she'd get a tiny bit of water out.

So a few days ago she totally got the sucking concept. Now she will drain 2 oz of water in about 3 minutes. But she doesn't understand swallowing water lol. She just sucks in a big mouthful of water then spits out out. Then sucks more and spits it out haha. So she drains the water... onto her chest.

I assume this is just a normal phase and I'm thrilled she loves the cup and figured out how to get water out so fast. Just wondering how long babies usually go through the spitting-everything-out phase before they start actually swallowing the water!