My baby just turned 8 months, she was EBF the first 4 months--I had oversupply and then perfect supply. Then I returned to work and started supplementing a little, then more and more. I typically pump twice at work and get 10-ish oz, and pump again before going to bed. In the past couple weeks my supply has just started tanking, made worse by the fact that we were on vacation last week and I just nursed and didn't do my typical supplemental pumping. Another factor could be that I haven't been eating or drinking well (anxiety/travel/etc). I'm back at work today and I typically nurse her in the morning and then do an 11am pumping and get about 6oz--today I got just under 3. She has started eating solids with gusto in the past couple weeks, so maybe she's not nursing quite as much and I haven't noticed??
So I'm wondering: if your supply started tanking, what did you do? Did you fight it and pump/nurse more and take fenugreek and focus on maintaining a good diet, etc, or did you just go with the flow and supplement and ride it out? I'm kind of disappointed but not totally sure what to do. My loose plan had been to wean at 12 months like I did with my son, and I love nursing and my daughter is very soothed by it, but I'm not at all averse to formula. Experiences/advice??