Hellobee Boards


Do you send your lo to preschool/daycare in stained clothes?

  1. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    I really don't like LO to wear clothes with stains ever, even as play clothes. Her pajamas I am a little more lax about. She does have a few things with barely noticeable stains - basically only I know they are there - but even those are not my favorite to put on her.

    When she went to daycare I always tried to dress her cute! Not uncomfortable stuff but I liked how the teachers fussed over her outfits

  2. KT326

    pomegranate / 3438 posts

    Yup I sure do. Why am I going to keep spending money on new clothes if they are going to get stained again? When we first started at our daycare there was a letter stating that some days do get messy during the learning process. They try to keep it minimal but sometimes things happen. I save his nicer clothes for the weekends. The stains aren't too bad, usually markers, sometimes paint. Or grass stains from playing outside. He hardly ever gets food stains because I don't send messy food to daycare.

    I actually love it when he comes home from daycare with paint splatters or markers, or even dirt from playing outside. It tells me he had a lot of fun that day.


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