My LO is just about 27mos. I never did have a plan for how long I was going to nurse her, and she has tapered off to only nurse before sleep (nap sometimes & bedtime). My DH has been making comments here & there for a few months that he thinks it's weird & unnecessary for her to still be nursing. He sees her as more grown up than I do, I think, especially since she is not just asking to nurse, but is also very advanced in her speech all around. I recognize it is comfort to her--she's closer to 'baby' than 'kid' to me, and I haven't had a problem with still nursing her. There are, of course, pros to her weaning, but I'm feeling sad that I'm actually trying to wean her cold turkey. I'm resentful of my DH's views, even though I thought I would do this a couple months back. Yes, I am choosing to wean, but I'm clearly not totally at peace with it. I'm rambling...
How did you decide to wean after extended bf'g? How did it go?