My LO had jaundice from birth and was never eating well due to not being able to stay awake. I was exclusively breastfeeding and he lost 15% of his body weight. Pediatrician had us supplement with formula (I also don't produce enough) and a week later he was back almost to his birth weight - only a few ounces below. Nursing wasn't really working, so I've been just pumping and either giving him pumped milk or formula - about 30% breast milk and 70% formula.

I've been feeding him on a schedule since - he's almost 4 weeks old. I wake him up every 3 hours even at night, but lately he's not always so interested in eating every 3 hours. We're feeding on demand at night, but waking him if he goes more than 4 hours. I'm wondering if I should be doing the same during the daytime, or just let him sleep unless he goes past the 4 hours.