Since my son was born, he doesn't seem to be a huge eater. (My first son was preemie and nursed constantly so I might be comparing). I EBF, son is 12 weeks. He was in the 65th percentile for height and weight at 8w so he is growing but I'm just confused how he could grow when he eats so quickly! He NEVER nurses more than 10 minutes on one side. He has a very strong latch, I've had no issues boob wise. He will nurse every 2 hours. I'm trying to lengthen feedings out to 2.5/ 3 hours but that doesn't even seem to have an effect. At night he is even less interested- he nurses for 15 minutes on one side total at like 3am. When I pump (1x day but going to stop that), I get nice fatty milk.
Baby is very happy and never fussy. He has rolls. 😊 I know about foremilk and hindmilk and that's my concern. Is 8-10 minutes every 2 hours enough? Seems odd.