Hello everyone! I have following the boards for well over a year and lately I have been feeling really isolated in our infertility journey so I decided it was time to really become part of this community!
A little about me: I am in my late 20s and my husband and I have been work with fertility specialists for over two years now. My husband had a brain tumor at 12. They had to remove his pituitary which means he has to artificially supplement many of his hormones. The one relevant to our TTC issues is testosterone, my husband has supplemented this since 12 and was never able to produce sperm on his own. At 26, his doctors told him he would never father children. We were devastated.

After meeting with many specialist, we found there was a specific regimen of HCG and FSH that he could take that could allow him to produce sperm naturally. After shelling out the big bucks for a year...... He had sperm!! It was so amazing to hear. He doesn't have a ton (ranges from 1-7 mil) but enough that my RE though we could try IUI. I have done HSG and three cycles of 100 mg Femara with HCG trigger. I just tested this morning after the third cycle and BFN it has just been such a emotional roller coaster with such highs and such lows.

We need to figure out what to do next. My RE is supportive of whatever action we take next cycle. I was thinking injectables, but i have be out of town for work during the main week I would need to be monitored. In my heart, I feel like IVF is the only thing it will ultimately work but there is no way we could afford it until next summer and I hate the idea of doing nothing until then. At this point I will probably do another round of Femara but I need to decide soon. The salt on the wound is that my husband and I recently began a long distance marriage because if a new work opportunity for me (he is finishing a second degree so it is temporary, but 8 month long). We literally plan our visits around my cycle so he can visit and give a sample for the iui... So romantic

Sorry for the ramble but I just love this community and feel so grateful for all the words of hope and wisdom I have already read on here. I can't wait to get to know everyone better!