For those of you lovely ladies with unexplained infertility, I am having one of those down days where I feel like I may never get pregnant. I have an IUI cycle coming up this next cycle but the stats seem a little discouraging for folks with my kind of profile. Trying to stay positive but sometimes is hard especially when Facebook is peppered with pregnancy announcements and baby pics of ladies who are on their second or third kiddo and are my age or younger. Ew. I'm not even on my first!
3 questions-- what kind of treatment worked for you (if you've gotten your bfp)? What kinds of odds do we have for ivf ultimately working? Any success stories of ladies with unexplained infertility and IUI working? I'm trying Femara but I am in all likelihood ovulating each month.
Oh one more question. I'm having my AMH tested this week. I'm nervous about it. If I have a low reserve would I still have a normalish monthly cycle? (that is, is having a low AMH generally asymptomatic?)
Thanks as always.