Hellobee Boards


Guess what I have??

  1. sheskrafty

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    Congratulations - how exciting!!

  2. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    Yay! Congrats Mr & Mrs Blue!

  3. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    Congrats mama of two!!!

  4. pinkcupcake

    cantaloupe / 6751 posts


  5. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    Oh congratulations! So glad they both made it safe and sound! Hope the NICU stay is short and you get to take those handsome boys home soon! So happy for you and Mr. Blue!

  6. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    Yay! Congrats! Can't wait to see more pics of your sweet little boys!

  7. BlueWolverine

    pear / 1510 posts


  8. Mrs. Bee

    admin / watermelon / 14210 posts

    congratulations mama! double the fun!

  9. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    Congrats to the Blue family!!!

  10. junebuglim

    olive / 67 posts

    Congratulations! Welcome to motherhood of multiples! Hope you are all doing well!

  11. tbuzz

    cherry / 103 posts


  12. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    Congratulations! So exciting, and they are so cute!

  13. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    Awww, congrats! I love that wailing shrimp on the right! Xoxo

  14. Crisark

    pomegranate / 3398 posts

    Oh congrats dear!!.They are perfect!

  15. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    Congrats congrats!!!!!!!!

  16. googly-eyes

    GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts

    Wow, congrats! SO cute!!!!

  17. Sweet T

    pomelo / 5321 posts

    Congratulations!! I can't wait to read your birth story!

  18. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    congratulations! They are beautiful!

  19. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts


  20. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    Yay!!! Congratulations!!

  21. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts


  22. oahujeni

    kiwi / 629 posts

    Adorable! Congratulations!

  23. Mrs. Train

    blogger / pomegranate / 3300 posts

    Congrats blue family. Welcome to the world of twin motherhood. It's a wild ride but it's exciting. My twins were also almost a pound difference. To this day one is still bigger than the other, it's just one of their differences!! Beautiful boys!

  24. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    Congrats! They are such beautiful babies!!

  25. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    Congratulations! Such beautiful boys! Make sure you take it easy with that C-section, Mama!

  26. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    Such cuties!! Congratulations!

  27. Mrs Hedgehog

    pear / 1812 posts

    They are so precious! You are right about the size difference. I had no idea 1 lb could make that much of a difference! They are seriously gorgeous and you look freaking amazing for undergoing surgery while this pic was taken! Wow! Hot mama!

  28. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Congrats April mama. They are lovely!

  29. meganmp

    persimmon / 1420 posts

    Congrats! Yay for a new twin mama!

  30. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    Congrats! Love your after-birth grin. Keep glowing Mama Blue!

  31. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Congrats!!

  32. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    Oh wow, that's so exciting! Congratulations!

  33. cheert16

    nectarine / 2631 posts

    Yay!!!!!! So excited!

  34. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    Double congrats!!! So handsome!

  35. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: OH.MY.GOODNESS! What a great picture capturing such a special moment! Double CONGRATULATIONS!!! Double Happiness, Double the Fun and Love!

  36. Freckles

    honeydew / 7444 posts

    Oh wow!! Congratulations, they are beautiful! Hope the recovery goes well.

  37. mango.sprays

    apricot / 446 posts

    Congratulations X2!!

  38. threeplusme

    cherry / 248 posts

    Congrats! Twins are so much fun!

  39. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    Congratulations! So glad they're here safe & healthy. Praying for a short NICU stay & lots of cuddles soon.

  40. Mrs. Superhero

    GOLD / pear / 1845 posts

    Beautiful boys! Congratulations!

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