Bear with me please....I have a lot of questions.

LO just turned one, and I'd like to slowly start the weaning process. I have started to offer her a straw cup of expressed milk with a snack to get her used to the idea of milk coming from a cup but haven't yet dropped a session (so far she's not a fan of drinking the milk from a cup, but she's never been super interested in the cup to begin with). I had to work today, and so far she has only drank 1/2 of her 10:00 bottle, none of her 1:00, and only half of her 4:30 bottle (she has always only taken 3 oz at a time so she's still a pretty frequent nurser). Is that ok? She's been more distractable at the breast lately, but she still nurses.

Ok. So here's my question dump. When we start weaning, I plan to drop one feeding one at a time.
1. Does she get the same amount of milk in a cup as she would a bottle?
2. Do we drop bottles as we drop nursing sessions?
3. Or should she be taking less milk and more solids now?
4. I have a big freezer stash, so does she get that, or cows milk?
5. Will it make her separation anxiety worse?
6. If she won't take the milk in the cup, do we give it to her in a bottle? (I'm afraid she won't get enough if she doesn't like to drink out of the cup)

I'm sorry for all of the questions. But none of my family or friends have breastfed so I'm kind of going at this blind! Any advice is greatly appreicated! I don't know why I find the concept of weaning so difficult. I guess because this has been my life for the past year, it seems like a big change!!!