I've had a cold for about a month. It starts to get better and then I get reinfected through LO and the other baby from their nanny share--they've had two colds, but they get better so much faster and I just seem to be sick.
This past week it got worse...TMI thick mucus, post-nasal drip, but it started to get better with my garlic/apple cider vinegar treatment. I could breathe all day yesterday and only had to blow my nose a couple of times...but I also had an event in the evening after work, drank wine, and ate a bunch of sugary snacks and I woke up feeling bad again.
I am at my wit's end and want to take a decongestant but I am still nursing my 18-month-old 3x a day and we are not planning on weaning just yet. I need this snot to go away!