I've had feeding struggles with my LO ever since she was born. She is now 4 months old, and I basically force feed her at each feeding. She is bottle fed, and will take the first 2 ounces willingly, but then will fight the rest of her bottle. I offer her 5 oz bottles 5 times a day. I went to the doctor last month to see what it could be, and the doctor doesnt seem to think its reflux or any digestive issue. I just don't know what else could be the cause. She averages about 22 oz. of pumped breast milk, which is force fed to her, and that amount already seems kind of low to me.

I go to the doctor this afternoon for her 4 month shots, and will bring this issue up again. Any idea what questions I should ask the doctor about the feeding issue? Anyone else had similar problems, and found a solution?

ETA: I've already tried changing nipple flow, and Probiotics. Neither helped.