Hellobee Boards


(How long) Did you breastfeed/Do you hope to breastfeed?

  1. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    I plan on pumping almost exclusively and feeding LO with a bottle. Knowing I will be going back to work, I don't want to have the habit of boob only/falling asleep on boob. I'm hoping to go 12 months, but would be happy with 6.

  2. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    My goal is a year but that's very flexible in my mind depending on how it goes. I'd love to make it until then though!

  3. BoogieBea

    pomegranate / 3503 posts

    With my first I breastfed until just by of 9 months. My goal was to reach the same amount of time with my second. He is now 8.5 months and still nursing. She seems to hate the bottle but I am also battling constipation with her all the time and am afraid that giving her formula will make it worse. So maybe I'll continue to a year? I feel like my supply has dwindled a bit though so we will see.

  4. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    I'm not really placing any expectations on myself and will just be happy if everything works and goes to plan! Like regberadaisy, I've heard a lot of stories IRL about people struggling with mastitis, milk not coming in, baby not latching etc.... so I'm sort of prepared for things to maybe not work as well as I'd like.

    I'm aiming for 6 weeks of breastfeeding, mixing a bottle of expressed milk in daily so the baby gets used to taking a bottle from the beginning. My big goal is to aim for 6 months but if I don't make it that long, I'm ok with it. Regardless of how things are going, I'm still pretty sure I'll stop at the 6 months mark.

  5. BabyBoecksMom

    GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts

    Originally, I thought only wanted to do 12 weeks. I'm almost at the 10 week mark and would like to continue to 6 months. I'm going back to work in about 2 weeks so I have no idea what that will do to my supply, or if I will need to get back on my narcolepsy medication (which would mean I'd absolutely have to stop breastfeeding). Taking it one week at a time.

  6. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    We just passed 11 months, nursing ~4/day and a few times at night. We are going to start a long, slow wean at 12 months. I'm also going to pump instead of nurse when we drop a nursing session, and hope to provide DS with BM as long as possible.

  7. Mrs. Train

    blogger / pomegranate / 3300 posts

    My first son was adopted an exclusively formula feed. Then I nursed my twins a year ( that was a lot of work) and now my daughter is 5 months old. I am assuming I will make It a year. I figure if i made it with twins for a year I can manage one baby.

  8. purrpletulips

    pomegranate / 3414 posts

    14 months with my first. I went back to work at 8 weeks and she started sleeping through night at 15 weeks so I had supply issues. I pumped/supplemented with formula in bottles on weekdays but only BF on weekends. Hoping to go at least 14 months with my next after s/he arrives in September.


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