We're having a rough time feeding just now and for the most part DH has been very supportive. But today I was feeding A in thr hospital waiting room with a cover, then her name got called so I took the cover off and we moved to the treatment room. While we were waiting for the Dr and ultrasound machine to arrive, I continued breastfeeding and DH asked if I wanted the cover. I said no thanks, I was fine. Then he said he wanted me to use it and put it on me anyway. I said I didn't think it was his place to decide whether I cover or not, but he said it was because he wanted A to have privacy while she ate and didn't want passers by looking at her. Okay, but covering, in my opinion, is up to me. He was pretty pissed at me about that.

What do you think? Should your DH get a say in whether you cover or not?